The only real prophecies that have ever been fulfilled have been those made by scientists.
Notably, Einstein keeps being proven right again and again. His predictions/theories developed decades ago keep being fulfilled (proven right) with modern experiments. The latest fulfillment has been the discovery of gravitational waves.
Darwin also made predictions that have been fulfilled in more modern times. The discovery of Tiktalik is a notable example of how science makes true, specific predictions. It was predicted in advance, based on evolutionary theory, that an aquatic creature matching its description would be found in the particular strata of the geologic column that it was found in!
But religion is a failure. It's predictions are always very vague, clouded in ambiguous language thus enabling the faithful to read into them the fulfillment of their choice. There are predictions in the bible that never came true, like the one about Egypt being desolated for 40(?) years. This never happened!